We deal of design, development, manufacture and selling various high-pressure gas valves, various LP gas valves, and various LP gas-related equipment.
We answer the various needs of our customers, from low pressure to high pressure and from low temperature to high temperature.
Since its founding, the MT Group has been actively engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of LP gas container valves and storage tank valves, high-pressure piping valves, liquid level gauges, strainers, and related equipment, as well as incidental services, and has a stable market share. Our achievements are highly evaluated not only in Japan but also in Asian countries, and we have earned a great deal of trust. And our high technological capabilities also contribute to technical cooperation with overseas companies.

We will listen to our customers’ voices, stay close to the customers, and continue to walk with the customers. If you have any questions, requests, or support information about our products, please contact us by phone or email. The person in charge will guide you.
Also, if you have any information about product defects or abnormalities, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

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New graduates,
Thinking of changing jobs. Would you like to start a new stage with a job that plays a part in the lifeline?
If you are interested in MT-Valve, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your application.